Sunday, January 17, 2010

ABC and 123

(Left)ABC and 123 (Right)
(in the picture) ABC
ABC= Fat and Lazy
123 = Naughty and Hyperactive
Bought 2 little Roborovski and named them ABC and 123.

Took such a long time to check their gender and finally their gender is identified.

ABC = Female

123 = Male

I had a hard time to catch hold of them and they are super active. Kept running on the wheel eventhough it's midnight. Both of their sleeping position are so different. ABC will just lay down like a lazy pig but 123 will face right up the sky.

Things are different these few days, this morning when i checked on them, i realised ABC was injured. Right at the face. It is not that active anymore. And i knew it was 123 that caused these. I saw 123 fighting with ABC and i tried to separate them for a few hours just now. Then i placed them backed together into them same cage. I've even made them cardboard houses but it seems like they enjoy sleeping together in the same house. Fight at first and now sleeping together in the same place?! What do you want?!

(Hahaha) They make me confused all the time. Don't really know what they want and i am really scare if they fight again tomorrow.

BEGGING you 2, PLEASE DON'T FIGHT... if not i will fried you with the frying pan!

Hahaha, But it's pretty funny that when i scold them, they seems to know and undertand that i am angry. After scolding them, they will hide themselves under the woodshaves.

Well, time to check them oOOoUuuTT .....

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